Sunday, October 5, 2008

Happy Birthday Virginia!

I told you that Virginia really made an impression when she came to visit.

When it POURS.

So one day I was ironing and all of the sudden, it felt likeI was in a shower. Apparently one of the gutters overflowed....and all I can say is thank goodness we do not live in the US. All we had to do was sweep the water out of the house. No harm. No foul.

Cost Rican Camp

So my Costa Rican friends LOVE camp. They took me on a week-end retreat and it was a great experience. It was cool to meet Costa Ricans from all different parts of Costa Rica and have them be really welcoming and encouraging. From the moment we arrived (late, typical tico style), I was split up from my friends, and welcomed into the GREEN TEAM...where we immediately had to make up a cheer, a team name and a team flag. Everyone assured me that they spoke english incase I didn't understand spanish...and one guy even got confused when I spoke Spanish and he said to me "You speak Spanish! But you look media-gringa (half-american)." We all just busted out laughing. Give me another year and I'll look fully Costa Rican!

It was fun getting to be a kid and play lots of games and jump around and be silly. I felt stupid playing soccer, but they totally thought I was a basketball rockstar (if they only knew how i sat the bench in 8th grade!). One of my main goals was to beat the blue team...mainly because my brother, Cristian, was the bluye team captain and apparently he has this luck that his team ALWAYS wins. I was so determined to beat him. And I'll have you know that my team only lost by 100 points to his team and thats ONLY because we lost 200 points because some chick was flirting with boys when we were suppose to be in a meeting (and it wasn't me, yo). Anyways, I still hold that I beat him by 100 points because I was NOT the one talking. I even asked infront of the whole camp if I could still be the winner.....they laughed at the media-gringa.

I Brought Duct Tape To Costa Rica.

And check out all the amazing uses we have found for it..... :)