Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Painting the World

So we finished the World Map Mural a looooooong time ago...and I apologize for not putting up the completed pictures. Just two quick notes about that:

1. It takes a lot more time and effort to do this project than it looks like. My friends and I worked from dusk to dawn (ok, if you really know me, you know enough not to believe that we started at dawn, but we did work 8 -10 hour days) for a good amount of time. We are still missing the country names, but I am afraid to write on my beautiful map....

2. I have to give a HUGE shout out to Davis Villarreal Martinez who worked all day everyday with me and took on this project as his own. By the end of the project, I was exhausted and Davis was encouraging me to finish! Also - a huge thank you to my family - Gaudy, Cristian, and Ivannia -- who also put in a good deal of hours. And to my neighbors Xindia, Sherry, Wendolyn, Francini, Golla, Angie, and others who helped paint as well.


VA said...

I would also like to give a HUGE shoutout to Sharon for playing with everyday and teaching me my new favorite song: "Para dormir, para dormir..." And a an even BIGGER shoutout to Axel for being the only family member to truly understand me. AKA my Tico soulmate. And of course for being MUY GUAPO at all times even when eggs and poop are involved. jajaja.

Lauren Quartz said...

Yay! The world is BEAUTIFUL! My favorite part is how you labeled Canada. Most important country, CLEARLY. :)