Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My Dog had Puppies!

Ok so in Costa Rica there are a lot of street dogs. One day a street dog decided to live in front of my house. Our Peace Corps Medical Officer told us to NEVER touch street dogs…so I didn’t. But the dog continued to sleep in front of the gate to our house. And it was a beautiful dog. In the morning it would walk me to class or to the bus station and it would always return to the house and sit outside the gate.

Eventually my little brother started feeding it, because he has a good heart. SO clearly, this dog was never going to leave and I BROKE. I started petting the dog. So then, our parents started letting the dog come in the front patio. It would sleep out there and I would always pet it and Marco (little brother) would always feed it. Finally, one Saturday we bathed it and got it some bug killing medicine.

Then the dog was allowed inside. The dog was house trained, very calm, and very smart. Seeing as I have never had a dog…I loved that dog. It would sit in my room and follow me from room to room. So the family called it my dog and they named it Lassie.

I told them from the very first day we saw it – “THAT DOG IS PREGNANT!” At first they did not believe me and Marco never believed me. But one night my dog became very restless and she would cry and cry – and she started burrowing herself under my bed and under my table.

AND THE NEXT MORNING – SHE HAD TEN PUPPIES!!!! My Costa Rican mom called me and said “You are a grandma! And you better get home and clean up this mess!” It was hilarious. So – I’m not saying I would like to be a dog owner and be responsible for 10 puppies, but it sure is fun to play with my dog Lassie and her puppies in the morning before I leave and when I get home in the afternoon!

Those are the pictures of my dog the NIGHT before she had the puppies and then her with the whole bunch.


Mom said...

Those Shumaker genes still reign!
Reminds you of days on the farm,
doesn't it?:)

I love you because-


Lauren Quartz said...

wow i hope your real kids never have ten babies at a time. :)

Keelen said...

I'll have you know that Moses is very jealous right now... you calling "Lassie" your dog and forgetting all about him...