Monday, September 17, 2007

Rain is My Friend

My last day in Costa Rica as a trainee was better than I could have ever imagined. My brother’s friends, Tony & Kenneth, (who have been like little brothers from the beginning as well) took Jenna and me to the mountain close to our town. And by close, I mean, it took us 15 minutes to get the TOP of the mountain! Jenna and I MIGHT have been mad that they waited till the last day to show us the trail, but ALL the same – it was an AMAZING day.

ONE: I felt so integrated into the community because no one in my family was involved. One of MY friends offered to take me on a hike. And then OTHER friends wanted to come…even though I am the silly American who cannot speak or understand their language!

TWO: It was beautiful. We went up and sat on a rock and just looked at our town and the capital city. Tony took pictures! My dog, Lassie, came with us and was a GREAT dog. She was like a farm dog – no need for leashes. She could run free and she always came back to her owner. It was just a wonderful day.

THREE: As we were up on the mountain, we could HEAR the rain coming. So…Tony and Kenneth looked at me and said “Let’s RUN!” So we did. And then – as with most trails where there is a downpour – the trail turned into MUD. So...instead of running down the trail – we just sat down and slid down the mudslide. It was pretty WONDERFUL.

FOUR: When we got to the bottom, Tony & Kenneth said “Kim, do you want to play soccer?” And clearly I did. So we played soccer in the rain – soaking wet and muddy. We splashed in the puddles, we laid down in puddles, Lassie played keep away…it was a pretty amazing day. Please refer to the pictures to see how much fun Jenna, Tony, Kenneth and I had on the last day as a PC trainee.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Okay I'm not going to lie...that day does sounds pretty freakin amazing and I'm so jealous. Soccer in the rain is probably one of my top three favorite things in the entire world. And also, it makes me laugh that you named your dog Lassie, hahaha :)