Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Monster Under The Bed

You think crabs live at the beach. But sometimes crabs live in my house! One Sunday night, the whole family was just sitting around watching television. My eldest sister went to get ready for bed and came RUNNING and SCREAMING out of her room about “A MONSTER UNDER HER BED.”

Clearly, we all just laughed like, “Yeh right. A Monster under your bed.” But somehow she convinced us all to come back to her room….and she was right about there being something BIG that moved under her bed! So what did we do? We got a MOP and then we all got on top of the bed.

The monster ran all around the room….until finally, we could see that the monster was actually a CRAB! My fearless siblings used the mop to lure the crab out of the room, into the hall and outside to the street. I INSISTED that we cook it and make crap dip, but no one else liked the idea.

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