Thursday, March 6, 2008

My Room

If you continue down the hall in picture 4 (of the blog below), and open the second door on the right, you will look into my room.

1. My room. Behind that curtain really is a window to the back patio. You might notice that might room is a tad bit smaller now, but I can assure you it is FULL, overflowing with LOVE.

2. Side Wall – I have since lost that nalgene bottle.

3. The pictures are covering the back of my door…you can’t really tell that it’s the door, but it is.

4. Other Side Wall.
Welcome to my house and room! Let me know when you’re coming to visit in person. They are ready to meet you all!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Love the "blankie" - Bet a new nalgene bottle could be located in Thruway while the Kimberly is in WS w/MOM:)

Love the pictures and you -
