I have a HUGE ENLGISH CLASS....and I have never taught English before in my life. And I always appreciated the hard work that teachers do, but now I appreciate it a thousand times over. I almost cried last night because....some people just don't get it. I can repeat the same thing 100 times and some students are still confused. And I am not talking about repeating English words, I am talking about repeating directions. I will say in spanish "The first 5 questions are listening questions. Please read over the questions to make sure you understand. Then I will begin reading a paragraph and you have to mark the correct answers to the questions according to what I read." (And yes, I can say all that in Spanish.) OK, so I will repeat that 2 or 3 times. After each time I will ask if their are questions. THEN I WILL READ THE PARAGRAPH...and no one will answer anything. Then I will look at the group and say "Why didn't you mark any answers?" And they will look back at me and say "OH! We were suppose to answer the questions according to what you read?!?!"
Anyways, I am pretty sure that God did not give me the paitience to EVER be a teacher. But I do hope to continue teaching this english class. The final exam is, Sunday, May 4th and those that pass the course will have the option of continuing on to the next level! Here is a picture of my sisters, Gaudy and Ivania, my cousin Derlis, and our basically brother too, Davis studying for the midterm.