Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Pijama Party

I have been soooooooooooooo busy lately. And one of the reasons is that we planned a HUGE pajama party for the Chicas Podersosas! And what a success. Once again, I could never have done it without my sister, Gaudy! I also had help from a neighbor who was an amazing help as well, Xindia. That night we learned about CHARACTER. It was really funny, because we played a game the entire night where you had to put other people first! So the girls could NOT serve themselve food, take craft supplies or even lay down to go to sleep until they had helped their friends do the same! It was hilarious! And you should have seen them trying to feed the leaders food to gaim brownie points! They had the BEST time....and needless to say...we BARELY SLEPT!

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