Friday, October 12, 2007


I would say it’s highly possible that you have never heard of this mosquito transmitted virus called Dengue. BUT in my region of the world, Dengue is highly feared. The one good thing about Dengue is that it’s NOT Malaria. It only lasts 7-10 days and is marked by high fever, vomiting, and feeling horrible! Luckily, I have not gotten dengue, but many a Peace Corps Volunteer has.

To prevent the spread of Dengue, the commonly have their towns fumigated. Men in dark jumpsuits carrying big leaf blowers enter all houses, schools, and businesses to spray this white powder and smoke all over everything. Then when you reenter the home or business, there are dead mosquitoes everywhere. It is quite the experience. It looks like the whole TOWN is on fire. The first time I was in the main city and I saw the “smoke” everywhere I wondered why everyone looked so calm.

The pictures above show my house being fumigated. This is one of those things about the culture that is really confusing to me. The family covered the dishes and spoons with dishtowels to protect them from the fumigation, but I asked about the curtains, our clothes, and our beds, but apparently it is perfectly SAFE to sleep in fumigated sheets and wear fumigated clothing. I am trying to accept it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, how scary is that suit...and then the kids watching the man in the suit... but so glad you will not get dengue.