Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Graduation Dance

My first family invited me to come to my brother’s graduation dance. It is the Costa Rica version of Prom, except the parents and families are invited. And because the classes are a lot smaller and it is only for those who will graduate, the party is a lot more intimate. I had a great time being with my family and dancing with my brother’s friends. These are few pictures….the best part. (1. My sister & my mom dressed to the nines. 2.After Marco saw this picture, he said about himself in all seriousness “I look hot.” Hahahaha…. 3. This is to show you what a Costa Rican prom might look like.)

It was a great week-end just being with my family, my puppies, my friends, and relaxing. I feel like I am in college and when there are breaks, I go home. And this is my home where my friends and family are happy, but not surprised to see me. And life is normal here with or without me. Eventually, the vacation ends and I have to leave home and go back to work.

P.S. ALSO! My family took me to the Costa Rican version of WAL-MART. It’s actually owned by WAL-MART and I didn’t know it existed. And I know that I am not suppose to like Wal-Mart, but I was SO happy to see John Frieda shampoo & conditioner, Dove body wash, Betty Crocker cake mix, Pillsbury icing, books, dvds with American tv shows, etc . that I started talking really excitedly in ENGLISH!! And my family cracked up…


Rachel said...

KIM! i don't think your family realized how much you love wal-mart...i laughed out loud thinking of how excited you must have been! So glad you had a great weekend!! :)

Rachel said...

KIM! i don't think your family realized how much you love wal-mart...i laughed out loud thinking of how excited you must have been! So glad you had a great weekend!! :)